Faux Painting
Decorative Painting
Faux Decorative painting make your home very unique. We use high-end italian products.
MS Venetian Plaster provide multiple decorative faux painting finishes.
Some of the material we use for Decorative painting can be used the same way as Venetian Plaster. Faux Finish Paint is suitable for walls, ceilings, but also for bathrooms or in the kitchen areas instead of backsplash. Decorative paint has high durability and water resistance. It has plenty of choices and variations from metallic paint, pearlescent paint or velvet finish.
MS Venetian Plaster also use the high level quality materials which can be used for Cabinet Refinishing or Furniture Refinishing. These special decorative paintings are suitable for surfaces like wood, metal or plastic.
Let us make your home beautiful with Faux decorative painting techniques.
Mettalic Decorative Painting
Use Metallic Faux Finish, to obtain a silky effect, that creates a feeling of a bright natural environment. It gives a shimmering reflects with a fine metallic and physical appearance and creates a scene with changing faces, giving the areas a unique look. Some of the metallic materials contain sand to cause the metallic look. The dimension of metallic effect depends on size of sand grains used in the material. MS Venetian plaster can achieve the surface with the texture or velvet finish.
Pearlescent Decorative Painting
Decorative Painting with pearlescent effect for interiors. It creates an attractive environment, both in public and private places. Thanks to it's pearlescent pigments and special fillers, it is possible to obtain rough finish, enriched with nice play of light and reflect. Some of the pearlescent materials contain sand to cause the pearlescent look. The dimension of pearlescent effect depends on size of the sand grains used in the material. MS Venetian plaster can achieve the surface with the texture or velvet finish.
Oxidation Effect Painting
Decorative Oxidized Copper Effect is an Unique Style for Connoisseurs of high Interior decoration to propose cutting-edge solutions designed to create trends. The using OxidCap system consisting of undercoat, activator and finish, an infinite number of oxidation effect painting can be obtained, for surfaces with an increasingly refined taste. Oxidation Effect Painting looks amazingly with combination of Venetian Plaster and Decorative Plaster.
MS Venetian Plaster use the Oxidcap system which is usable for Interior and Exterior. This type of Faux Painting could be use for Cabinet Painting and Furniture Refinishing.
Rust Effect Decorative Finish
Decorative Painting with Rust Effect Decorative Finish makes Interior very Unique. A bold personality and captivating appeal are distinguishing elements of this decorative finish that is well suited to any type of Interior. It has unique way of interpreting space and atmosphere to create a perfect mix of energy and sensuality, thanks to the infinite combinations and natural shades available. Rust Effect Decorative Finish looks stunning and combination with some of type Venetian Plaster or Decorative Plaster effect looks terrific.
Decorative Painting Ideas
Decorative Painting from us?
Over 21 Years
Trained in Italy
3500+ succesfull projects
Unusual / Creative
Certificated supplier only
Durable / Sustainable
Long lasting